ヒツゼンノケイヤク - UPDATED
Many thanks to Jinsona Design who created such a wonderful theme and Alvaris Falcon who converted this theme into a wonderful blogger theme.
I've been searching for a modern theme for my blog for the past few weeks, however, most stylish or cool themes are made for wordpress. They do provide alternative for blogger, but there's always the price to pay for the technical handlings, such as the fiddling with HTML codes and perform many trial and error to do it. As I strongly believe, nothing come in a free package, if you want to learn something, a necessary effort must be place.
To do this in a safe environment as good practice of modifying code, it is always the best you do it a test site where the actual site is not affected by the new theme until it is completely safe to do so. I've created a site,
DesigninDevelopment-ßeta (experimental lab) to do the job.
Here are the highlights of the new theme:
i)Slide Feature: Allows you to give your readers a highlight on what's happening or what's new in your blog.
ii) Featured Video: Share any interesting web-video such as YouTube
iii) Tag Cloud: An interesting way to show readers about the labels of your blog as well as the frequency of post associated to your label in an image presentation.
iv) Square-Box: Allows you to place gadgets in that area. Very handle and neat
v) Info Footer: Another good place to add gadgets.
vi) Read more function: I found it handy as some of my blog post are long and I don't wish my readers to spending time scrolling down (I do aware the existence of the mouse view).
Happy reading!
-done updating the blog list, if I miss out any please do tell me.
-footer done
-the only not done yet will be top banner (I still need some inspiration to create one, any ideas?)