Thursday, November 26, 2009


Pandas! Aren't they cute?

Anyways, I'm not going to talk about Pandas or explaining anything related to Panda except the fact I'm having Panda's eyes.

Yup. My job today is long (I can't believe I actually worked for 8 hours as part time ever since Deli-France).

And super duper eye-intensive work - - -  labelling.

There are 40 new Acer desktops to be labelled specifically.

I had to write down the serial number of the desktops, keyboard, mouse and LCD moniters.

So it will be:

 4 X 40 = 160 labels!

and the labels are not place according to the desending order plus, the most frus of all the label of the keyboard is like:


So donkey long and small.

and my eyes will be X_~ plus inheriting the Panda's eyes.

Plus, I have to be the match maker for the desktop to match specifically the same serial number batch of keyboards and mouse which are scattered in the forest of boxes.


Highlights of the Day - Names are censored to adhere privacy laws.

Z was helping me. But, after a few nano-seconds, he prefers to see me dancing.

K is sweet and drop by a visit.

N is also sweet too, dropping by to say hi.

X is pretty handsome with his suit ON. Just too bad the laptop refuses to cooperate with him and cause me and him plus V trouble. Thankfully, everything runs smoothly despite that obtacle.

W is not so sweet.

F & H is my antidote for boredom.

P is helpful. Get to eat McD for dinner. All thanks to him.

Barbarian is the worst of the day. Told him that the Counter does have A4 paper, but he insist to invade MY TERRITORY to investigate. I HATE these barbarians. stupiPOWER 10 barbarian (I can't stop myself saying he's an idiot until now), don't understand English is it?

Webkit is having a bad day (I wasn't certain as first, but confirmed via facebook). I'm unsure how to cheer him up though. =(

N is fun to chat with, especially he tolerates my nonsense.

R is asking me about philsophy, but skipped, too tired to answer anything.'

Was planning with A to perform cuti cuti plan.

Talked with Y and it's fun.

Feeling thankful that S has helped much on thesis. YIPPEE!~

Time to bath. Will write later.



C was mad on something, but I don't know what to say to him.

Still frus on thinking what to do with Webkit.