Friday, March 07, 2008

Outstanding Request of February

For the entire February, I have been helping my friend (aka grandfather no 3) on various aspects. These are the fulfilled requests.

What time are u coming today?got thing to discuss with u... 07:49 30/02/2008
Are u coming to school early?can come teach me qt? 07:39 13/02/2008
What time are u coming to school today?need ur help...I forget to bring my bag...Can u borrow me a ruler,pencil,and a blue pen? 09:16 18/02/2008
Can u lend me ur tie? 09:35 20/02/2008
Can u bring me a tie later? 07:37 27/02/2008
Can u borrow me ur id and password?ah goh's got problem... 14:20 29/02/2008

As you noticed, most of time he requested is around morning, an average in between 7:ooam to 9:00am or 7am - 9am. Requests on 7 plus minus make me no choice to made me wake up just in time to brush only my teeth before departure, without breakfast.

On the bright side, all the requests are successfully fulfilled.

My handwritting not good...k la see what can I do... 18:31 20/02/2008 things to do today...can't help u 09:46 21/02/2008

When comes the time I would really need his help just to write accounting tutorial answers in the Mahjong paper, that's what he replied to me. I waited in UTAR's cafeteria like a Mr Dumb Dumb starring at the blank ceiling. I have no choice but to the library to do everything by myself.

No doubt I am not blaming him or anything, just that he should inform me in advance instead of letting me fill with hunger and dissappointment.


~ended keying process at 06:27~

4 kachings:

Gzhang said...

Maybe next time, when he asks for small things, you should just ignore his message. When he asks you why, give him back the same answers la.

My handwriting not good...k la see what i can do things to do today...can't help you.


He's bound to realise that you're upset. or he memang Mr Dumb Dumb. LOL

Unknown said...

Hahaha thanks for your great ideas, gzhang! Definitely will try that out!

By the way, that fellow get himself drunk and driving last night.

Seriously, I going to give me a punch next Monday when I see him.

Anyway, how's your job going on?

laughing_tomato said...

Hey Pei Hao! You are just too good to people...
Well, I believe many people have the same experience... including me >.<

Unknown said...

Very true.


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