Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Deco

I have visited the Curve and IKANO, but their Christmas decos for this year aren't up to expectation (what's thiz fellow is thinking? a boss?). Mainly white Christmas trees located at some strategic places. (Me sis told me that they are saving cost)(I think they are just being lazy~ =P)

Even the most 'inspiring' mall in KL decided to save cost and use white Christmas as their theme and some light manipulation so it looks unique and colorful.

KL Pavilion: Day

KL Pavilion: Evening

The only shopping mall Christmas deco that never stop (fail) giving me surprises and wonders is Mid Valley Megamall. Last year's theme was Sweet Christmas, and this year's theme I think, must be Fairy Christmas. Instead of the typical Mr Santa roaming around the mall and distributing candies to kidz, its the fairies job to do it.

However, Christmas deco in the gardens doesn't excites me much except for the fact they use real red and green apples and big onions that are waxed to be hung up on their mini-christmas-tree.

This is how they place the Christmas tree, look how easy is that!

That's all for now.

Approximately 15 days to go for Christmas.

~ended keying process at 18:30~