hey, really thanks lot, if without you
sigh really going to mess it up
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
you are most welcome~! ^_^
I hope this microsoft update could solve your blue screen error
Kyan says:
hmm....i hope so coz it has been bringing me lot of trouble
and if reformat it cost lot of time
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
be sure you concentrate on your studies first!
Kyan says:
sure, sure
after this i'll study for sure
if not really can die fast
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
Kyan says:
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
Kyan says:
dont worry,i'll keep my promise de
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
glad to hear that~
Kyan says:
you also must do well oh
since you study already
must must okay
dont let me down
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
i WON"T let you down!
Kyan says:
i have your word w
so you cant run
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
I have your promise now, you can't run either
Kyan says:
i'll study from the moment i turn off my laptop later
<#+|={=Zet@><3ro><}=|+#> says:
you should sleep first
its so late already
Kyan says:
the night is still yong
hey give me a couple of minutes
i restart first
note: I hope you are really studying now, my friend! I wonder what makes some of my friends so active during the night? Never for me, night time is to enjoy sleeping.
Phew~ its another semester gone and another tough job of class representative is officially over! Its not easy to be a "good" class representative as you need to be:
(i) Lecturer's Assistant
(ii) Tutor's Assistant
(iii) Consultant
(iv) Class Financial Administrator
(v) Debt Collector
(vi) Notes Distributor
(vii) Photocopier
(viii) Class Manager
(ix) Class Planner
(x) Class Customer Service & Support
Imagine yourself as a 10 in 1 or all in one multi-function yet multi-tasking machine working around the clock picking phone calls from tutor to make arrangement for replacement class. After getting the confirmed venue and time, you got to inform every classmates about it like the latest news from CNN. Constantly, you will receive complains from students saying how good is other class rep. (as he/she provide this and that) while how lousy are you. Comparison chart emerged in their brains like KLCI stock market, where they keep themselves updated from their chatty friends (no offense). Since I am practicing monopoly business, it is unfortunate for them as they could not just simply switch class without a valid reason. No way those people in the office will accept the reason for switching class for a bad class rep. The worst situation is to elect a new class rep., however the main issue here is who want to take the burden and responsibility? There is one time that the accounting lecturer somehow did not inform me to photocopy the accounting past year questions, on the lecture class itself, the students will stare at you wildly, demanding and expecting you to spoon feed them with past year question. Not to forget doing charity in the class, when the class fund gone negative, you have no choice to get money from your own pocket to pump money.
Oh well, at least I have the experience now. Proper planning must be made for second semester.
~ended keying process at 01:30~