Assignment are given to students right from the first day of second semester. All of them carries marks as a system to grade us (obviously~!). Okey, let's get into details.
Introduction to Sociology
Hunting and gathering society was the first societies that had exited in the world and perished due to the development of social transformation through time line. Discuss CRITICALLY how the concept, 'survival of the fittest' affects the existence of the hunting and gathering societies till today with suitable examples.
Group Member: Me, WL, Rld, HC
Status: 9.15%
Deadline: 7th of November 2006
Management Studies
The current business environment is global in nature. With the rise of companies operating in a global village, many companies are also expanding internationally. Globalization of the world of business presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses. Managers from different national backgrounds have been found to hold different values, different assumptions, and different expectations about relationship among people. Therefore, with the increasing amount of complexity, there is a need to understand the way that other nations operate their businesses. Once there is an understanding of the way business operates in other nations, the benefits and problems of working with them can be understood. As a result, decisions can be made regarding whether to work with other nations and whether any special conditions or approaches are required which in turn, increase the probability of business success among investors and workers operating in foreign countries.
Group Member: Undecided yet
Status: 0%