Friday, March 28, 2008

Microsoft Office Live Workspace Part 1: Signing Up

Microsoft Office Live Workspace BETA (MOLW) is used to share documents and have discussion simultaneously especially when doing assignment. However, unlike Google Docs, where you can edit document, powerpoint and excel spreadsheet in the web browser itself, MOLW requires you to install at least an office suite in your computer. Alright, that's for introduction let's get started.

First go to -> click sign up free!

If you have a hotmail account, associate with it by clicking sign in.

Click sign up free again.

Accept the license agreement.
Have a short break.

Ta-da! You are almost done.

Congratulations! You have officially completed the sign up process.

Don't believe? Go to your mail box, Microsoft has sent you a love mail.

In the next part will be installing the add-ons, till then have a nice day.


~ended keying process at 07:52~

1 kachings:

Gzhang said...

All the computer programmes are so sleek and smooth...I likkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

But then I have to buy those programmes and I'm too kiamsiap for that..nyahahahaha

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