In response of my friend has blogged the
review of cloverfield, I have some additional information to add after I watched Nokiafield instead of Cloverfield.
The whole movie was filmed by a casual video camera
noob user which involves a lot of movement around, unsteady shots and motion sickness handling of the video camera.
As the movie unrolls itself, you will see Nokia everywhere. Even before the monstar starts to run amok, you will notice that New Yorkers love Nokia phone so much that if you don't have a Nokia phone, you are
outdated an outsider!
"...they quickly evacuate from the building and head out to the street below just to witness with their own eyes the Statue of Liberty's head rolling like a bowling ball onto the street. It looks funny when almost everyone get their cellphones and cameras out to take pictures of the head"
This is where everyone gets so excited in showing how good their nokia phones able to capture instant photos for press and blogging purposes.
The movie also stressed that even in poor reception you will able to use Nokia phone perfectly. However, it also advertise one of Nokia's drawback -- medicore battery power. When Rob wants to make more call, he realized that he is running out of juice. Thinking out of the box, he rushed to the nearest electronic store where they are selling only
genuine nokia batteries.
Whem the trio run to the subway that owned by Nokia, you will see only Nokia advertisement around.
The rest of the movie is less dominated by Nokia (maybe I wasn't paying attention).
Therefore, Nokia + Cloverfield = Nokiafield.
~ended keying process at 10:37~