Monday, October 29, 2007

Notorious Blue Screen of Error

Everyone who uses Windows operating system definitely encounters blue screen of death aka blue screen error at least once.

"The term "Blue Screen of Death" originated during OS/2 pre-release development activities at Lattice Inc, the makers of an early Windows and OS/2 C compiler. During porting of Lattice's other tools, developers encountered the stop screen when NULL pointers were dereferenced either in application code or when unexpectedly passed into system API calls. During reviews of progress and feedback to IBM Austin, the developers described the stop screen as the Blue Screen of Death to denote the screen and the finality of the experience."
Source: Wikipedia

Even in Windows Vista, blue screen error is unavoidable.

Let's explore a little the world (underworld) of blue screen.

Windows 95 BSOD (yeah, I know it is kind of nostalgic)

Windows 2000
Windows XP
Image Source: Wikipedia

There are so much BSOD occuring in our digital life with Windows that even Apple happily acknowledge this happy facts and apply it to its latest Mac OS X Leapord.

Apple: We detected you are using BSOD OS

Image Source: Paul Thurrott

BSOD is so common until we can take it for granted.

We can see it from the transit rails.

From the street.......
From your own beloved notebooks.......
Before taking a flight.....
Starring at the skyscraper.......

Almost anywhere...........

At least when you want to escape from BSOD, you should go somewhere really far, or maybe simply switch off the power supply.

That's all for today. Until next time.

~ended keying process at 00:47~