Saturday, May 26, 2007

Boo Hoo for You!

This shows how far behind our mobile technology currently compared to Japanese mobile technology.

Hmm if we actually had the technology over here, I will:

  1. Use it as my universal house lock.
  2. Replace touch n' go cards with RFID equipped with the phone.
  3. Use it as my UTAR ID.
  4. Track my phone and capture the phone thieves.
  5. Read online manga during (boring) class.
  6. Scan bar codes without the shop assistant.
  7. I will be really thankful for the biometric security function. (no more remembering passwords!)

For more information, navigate your browser to and

~ended keying process at 01:47~

1 kachings:

Gzhang said...

That's so cool!

And saddening at the same time. Hahahaha

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