Wednesday, May 14, 2008

To A Lost Friend

The day we share and cherish has long forgotten,

the day our thoughts could be communicate has gone,

whose at fault is a taboo,

no matter how hard one try to mend the broken glass,

it will never look the same as before,

what remains is the depth of scare,

being hurt yet unspeakable,

what's worse is the glass is being broke again,

to the state is beyond repair,

like words could not penetrate the mind,

if fate do allow,

our path may cross again,

but we may no longer recognize each other,

like strangers crossing the street.

~ended keying process at 01:58~

Monday, May 12, 2008

Have you Upgraded to XP SP3?


Basically, nothing much new in the service pack 3 much like vista service pack 1.

It saves your time from downloading bunch of security updates from Microsoft through windows update.

~ended keying process at 01:22~

Friday, May 09, 2008

Once Upon Pyramids

Caution! You are going to read a very long winded post, be sure you have:
  • Drink double espresso
  • Complete any urgent business
  • Running your music jukebox
  • Start disk defragmenter
  • Start anti-virus scanning
Have done all the steps mentioned? Good! Get going....

Yippe, finally I am officially done with Year One of Bachelor of Commerce Accounting.

Erm, nothing grant to announce, to be precise, I left with only a year to enjoy, before troubling myself into challenging and mind twisting thesis report and final year project.

Well, I would want to push them into a small corner of my mind first. Worrying about that too much it's a little too early. I won't want to waste my time of such problem.

Last Wednesday, I went out to Sunway Pyramids (since Sunway has 2 pyramids now, thus consider plural) with my grandfather One, Two and Three. This is my first time going out with all three grandfathers at the same time. Not an easy opportunity to see them together except for occasional lunch breaks at
coffee shops
UTAR cafeteria or library eating books studying.

Both grandfather 1 and 2 are attached, while grandfather 3 remain single, and a little essence of
playful and pompous naive in him. I'm glad that I'm still holding my bachelor degree. =P

I departed from my house's bus stop with grandfather 2 and his girlfriend (Xiao Bing) approximately 08:30 via RapidKL T628 to Asia Jaya LRT station, took the light rail transit to Kelana Jaya station. Finally, we took T623 to Sunway Pyramid. I think we are first to arrive, then follow on by grandfather 1 and his girlfriend (Mei Mei). Great, where grandfather 3, I was thinking on that time cause I don't want to be any of the lamp post or spotlight shinning brightly on neither my grandfathers loving dates. Thankfully, he arrived at the nick of the time. (Fortunate me)

We had our breakfast at McDonalds, filled ourselves with burgers, frizzy drinks and french fries. These are our
heat supply long enough for us to skate for a session (one session is the interval between the first ice 'resurface and polisher' machine come out and the later one).

Though I wore a red jacket that my mum bought for me, I still felt cold. It is very unusual phenomenon as I always argue that UTAR's air-condition environment is not cold enough for me, despite almost every student is hugging their jackets tightly especially during examination time. Well, even the 'iceman' (so they called me that) do feel cold I guess.

Once I stepped on the icy and slippery surface, instantly I knew that I have forgotten how to skate! I had to walk like an
penguin clinging on the side of the wall. Slowly after 2 rounds of 'walking' on the ice, I managed to boost on speed on skating. However, I still have the phobia of skating too fast, as I felt down twice and hit my back bone which hurts a lot. I almost thought that I have bone fracture because of that accident.

Grandfather 1 having difficulties as this was his first time. He skate slowly and unstably with the aid of his partner. On the other hand, grandfather 2 and his partner both are first skater. Therefore clinging on the side of the wall. I tried to teach them, but not so successful, left the teaching job to grandpa 3 =P (I throw my responsibility to him =p).

Overall, it was fun and zero falling. All three of my grandpa(s) has fallen on the ice. I should record a video of each grandpa falling, it could last me for eternal laughing. Just kidding, I am not that mean. Just that it is nice to see them fall especially grandpa 3 with his arrogant attitude. *Muahahhahaha*

*Coughs* We took our lunch at Pizza Hut. Yake and eat at the same time. This is my first time talking so much while eating. Here's gone my courteousness. Get to know more about my grandpa 1 and 2 partners deeper. Both partners are very smart, if they are in the same course and same class with me, I pretty doubt that I'm going to label them as my academic rivals. Pretty interesting conversation has sprouted out.

Next, we head to the bowling alley. I played halfway then my leg get 'chou jing' or sudden muscle tense. It was really hurt till I can't even straighten my toe! Thankfully, grandpa 2 forcefully straighten my toe. I was shouting very loud in my heart as the pain is very unbearable, trying keeping a calm face, finally the pain is over, and me leg recovered. Grandpa 1 was worried. However, grandpa 3 happily played for me as I authorize him to do so. Then, something very funny happen. Grandpa 3 kept getting strike when he was playing under my name. On the other hand, he kept missing his strike in his own name. *Muahahahahaha* It is fun to see him get frustated. (evil me) Grandpa 2 and me were laughing like mad as grandpa 3 is competing with grandpa 3. The entire game is like grandpa 2 vs grandpa 3, the balance are, just simply came here for fun and acted as their cheer leading teams.

After the last match, we rushed to the cinema, as we were late for the Ironman movie. Very funny and nice movie. I really enjoyed it. The audi cars in the movie is very impressive. I wonder I could see them in Malaysia roads especially back to long river.

Once the movie is finished, I was actually quite exhausted, but I know grandpa 3 want to play archery. I accompanied him and grandpa 1 to shoot some arrows. My first shot was like my arrow has no energy at all. (Now I know how hard Kagome has to aim and shoot the shikon-no-tama). The instructor advised me to straighten my hand while pulling the bow, making my second shot hit the yellow area. Yippe to me! (By the way the center of the circle is red, follow on by yellow and then blue.) My left hand felt energy-less after the fifth shot (I wonder why is the bow getting heavier and heavier), therefore I asked the instructor to give me right handed bow and I shot with my left hand. Grandpa 3 was surprised, as I explained to him the reason I switched my bow, as he was wondering how could I shoot with my left hand while my left hand has no strength. The next 25 shots are okey, but I didn't get to shoot in the middle. Grandpa 1 and 3 kept shooting at the same spot, which is not the center anyway. The only explanation I gave to them is that they are not concentrating while shooting. =p

While waiting for grandpa 2 and his partner, as both of them do some window shopping while we are in the archery, I treated grandpa 3 a coffee as he helped me in Principles in Business Management (despite he kept stressing I'm in the east (accounting) and his in the west (business management) therefore what I and he learns does not collide), many thanks to him, I could answered my paper without trouble of thinking the elaboration and examples. I hope he should sell me a good phone. ( I wonder is this bribry in advance?)

Our adventure in Pyramids ended approximately 7 plus. Grandpa 1 and his partner and Grandpa 3 went back together. Me went back with Grandpa 2 and his partner. We waited for bus T623. It did not take long for it to arrive, but it was a nightmare. The bus was seriously packed. Slow ride back to the Kelana Jaya station. For some unexplanable reason, the train, too deaccelerate, leaving us a slow ride back to Asia Jaya station. We missed the 8 pm bus, therefore have to wait till 9 pm for the bus to pick us and send us back to our destinations.

That's all for that day. =D

~ended keying process at 00:55~

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Digging up old stuff......

Install Windows Vista SP1 RC Refresh from WU!

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC Refresh is available to Beta testers through Windows Update. Experience the WU installation path for Windows Vista SP1 by following 4 simple steps and give us your feedback to improve our quality.

Systems running on Windows Vista RTM typically require two or three updates before SP1 can be installed. These updates are permanent on your Windows Vista systems. Windows Update will detect your system configuration and offer the prerequisite packages that are applicable to your system. Based on the state of your system, Windows Update will offer you all the applicable prerequisite packages and SP1 in a sequential order. For details, please see the instructions below.

If you already installed the Service Pack to your machine, you must uninstall the previous build before installing RC Refresh.

Here are 4 simple steps to get SP1 on your machine.

On Vista RTM…
1. Download the script to your machine and run it on elevated prompt.
• To run the script on elevated prompt, after you download the script, right click on the file and select “Run as administrator” option.
• The script sets a registry key on your system. The registry key is required for WU server to recognize your machine as a valid target for Vista SP1.
• After running the script, Windows Update automatic updates will automatically update your machine over the next several days with the appropriate prerequisites and then offer the Service Pack. If you would like to install SP1 quicker you can manually do the next few steps to speed up the process.

2. Install all pending “Important” updates and the pre-requisite updates for SP1. You may have to repeat this several times to get fully up to date.
• Check for updates on Windows Update. Go to Control Panel  System and Maintenance  Windows Update and check for updates by clicking on “Check for Updates” in the top left of the task pane.
• You will be offered all previously released Windows Vista updates that you may not have installed on your system. Install all applicable updates.
• If you have Windows Vista Ultimate, or Windows Vista Enterprise, Update for Windows (KB935509) should be in this list. If you have any other version, Update for Windows KB938371 should show up in this list. Reboot your machine when prompted. If you do not have Vista Ultimate or Enterprise, Update for Windows KB938371 should show up first and KB935509 is not required.
• If you reboot and rescan on Windows Update right away, sometimes times you may not see all updates. This may be caused by the installer service completing the install of the prior update. Please wait 5-10 minutes and scan again. (This delay should not be required for the final SP1 release.)

3. Install Update for Windows (KB937287).
• Update for Windows (KB937287) it does not require a reboot. This is the “installer” code for the service pack.

4. Install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (KB936330).
• Wait for 10-15 minutes prior to checking for updates again, to enable the installer to complete its self installation.
• Check for updates on Windows Update again. Windows Vista Service Pack 1 KB936330) should be available.

@echo off

reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /f > NUL 2>&1
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSP1 /f > NUL 2>&1

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d c1ff1d2f-c61e-4f27-b68c-722061c201a5 /f
IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 ( goto ERROR)

echo ===========================================================
echo Windows Vista SP1 registry key has been set successfully.
echo Please check for updates in Windows Update.
echo ===========================================================
goto END

echo ===========================================================
echo FAILED to set Windows Vista SP1 registry keys.
echo Please run this script by right clicking and selecting
echo "Run as Administrator".
echo ===========================================================
goto END



Last semester project, evaluating Vista Service Pack 1.

~ended keying process at 11:11~